Monday, May 18, 2009

Day 11 - Arafura Games

After many days of intense competition, the team finally had a day to explore the city of Darwin like Casuarina square, Palmenston and Parap. We will be arriving 9.40pm at Terminal 1 at Singapore Changi Airport. :).

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Day 10 - Arafura Games

After many days of long and arduous competition, the athletes finally had the chance to have some fun at Casuarina beach to try out surf boat, jet skis, double skis and racing board. The surf boat was an eye-opener to everyone as it was new to the team. It requires teamwork and correct techniques to get the boat moving. The athletes were treated to a scrumptious sandwich by the people from Royal Lifesaving (RLSS) after the invitationals ended.

The athletes also witnessed the closing ceremony at Skycity which ended with fabulous fireworks. The athletes did their exchanged farewells with other international athletes as it was the last time they would see them in the games. We look forward to see them in other lifesaving competitions.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Day 9 - Arafura Games

Today is ocean event for the athletes. The event routes and layout for surf ski, surf board and ironman were longer and different than the nationals held in Singapore. The current and tides also varied throughout the half day event. With the scorching heat and dry weather, the athletes used their last strengths to compete all their final few events. Both the men’s and women’s team gained much exposure and experience. It is a job well done.

In the evening, we went for the prize presentation ceremony held at Casuarina Beach. The presentation ceremony overlooked the gorgeous and vast beach and we were treated to a beautiful sunset while watching the winning athletes receive their medals. After which, a sumptuous bbq dinner of chicken kebabs and different varieties of salads were laid out.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Day 8 - Arafura Games

Everyone woke up with a good sufficient 9 hours of sleep as the pool events were held in the afternoon. TS Lifesaving did well as most of the athletes surpass their personal best timing in the competition. As everyone needs to wake up at 5:30am, the blog will stop here. Sorry. We will provide more information for all the results tomorrow.

Check out Allen's name for his 3rd position for beach sprint at here.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Day 7 - Arafura Games

It was a truely memorable 2nd day of events for teamSG.

545am: groans and moans as teamSG was rudely awaken from their deep slumber in preparation for a gruelling day of events. A quick breakfast of bread and sausages, and teamSG were off to the Darwin Wave Lagoon, an artificial wave swimming location for the morning surf race events.

The Surf Race events at Darwin Wave Lagoon kicked off with the Torpedo Tube Rescue. The team consisting of Nick, Hisham, Enid and NIcole was up against formidable opponents and despite their best efforts, managed only a fourth in their semi-finals and did not make it for the final.

Next event was the Surf Race (Team). The guys team consisted of Allen, Jun Song and Nick. The girls team consisted of Nicky, Huey Min and Enid. teamSG were no match for the larger and more experienced Australians who simply ran across the waves in shallow waters, while our smaller sized team were simply pushed back by 2metres waves in rapid frequency. It was indeed an chastening experience for us, who seldom experience such waves in Singapore. Full-marks and medals for teamSG lifesavers though for the effort and the sacrifice of swallowing up litres of water!

The 3rd event was the Surf Race (individual). Nicole gave a brave performance but once again was overwhelmed by the Australians. Hisham failed to qualify for the finals in a star-studded semi-finals. However, Jun Song managed to qualify for the finals, but he only managed an 8th position in the final swim.

The Surf Race concluded the events of the morning, and teamSG rushed back to the hostel for a quick rendezvous with their beds, in preparation for the evenings’ beach events, which includes the beach sprint, beach relay and beach flags.

The beach events did stared well with Huey Min qualifying for the finals in the beach sprints, Jun Song and Allen also managed to qualify for the beach sprint finals. In the final, Jun Song and Huey Min finished a dismal 8th. Allen however, gave an arm (almost literally!!) for Singapore as he blasted his way to finish 3rd. unfortunately, in the process, he fell down after the finish line and fractured a small bone in his shoulder-blade. The injury seemed serious initially and medics took nearly an hour before ascertaining they could move him. Allen was then transferred to the hospital, with Manager Gary and roommate Hisham accompanying him. It was a bittersweet moment for Allen, after having won 3rd, the injury meant he would need around 6 weeks to recover and will almost certainly rule him out for the rest of the games, and possibly from many more medals.

Having lost Allen and Hisham, the Singapore guys team was left with Nick and Jun Song to hold the fort for beach relay. After much discussion, they decided that 2 senior Northern Territory lifesavers, Sam and Nathan, would help Singapore to run. The team managed to clinch 2nd position. No doubt such a result/event can only cement the relationships between Singapore and Australian lifesavers and cheers, congratulations and smiles were aplenty.

The next event was the beach flags. Huey Min did Singapore proud as she gave an all-star performance, often reacting faster and running clear of her opponents to safely grab a flag. She qualified for the finals and was doing extremely well, before an unfortunate trip ended her medal hopes. She finished in 5th position. Nick, Jun Song and Enid failed to qualify for the finals, but also did Singapore proud by fighting for every flag as hard as they could.

In the end, despite the tragic and unfortunate incident with Allen, it was a good day of events, as teamSG managed to clinch a bronze medal, and many hidden talents were uncovered.

Jun Song

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Day 6 - Arafura Games

TS Lifesaving head down to Casuarina Pool for the first day of competition. The official results has yet to be release but hand-recorded timing shows Allen Gong came in fourth for 200m Obstacles and 50m Manikin Carry. The rest of the athletes did well for their event. To be continued with official results tomorrow.

For results of Day 1: Day 1 (Pool)

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Day 5 - Arafura Games

The athletes woke up at 7am for their training at Darwin Wave Lagoon for rescue tube rescue, surf race and surf teams. After the 2 hours session, they were given a break before heading to Casuarina Beach for beach training. Today is the last training before competition starts tomorrow and all of the athletes are prepared. Good luck athletes and let us do well for Arafura Games.

Below is the temperature taking table of the athletes.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Day 4 - Arafura Games

The athletes were given another off in the morning as officials attended the Arafura pool official’s course at Fannie Bay. The main objective of the course is to inform the officials all the rules and regulations for the upcoming still water events for Arafura. The athletes started their training at Casuarina Beach in afternoon. Craig Sam taught the athletes the proper techniques for board surf while Tony Snelling taught them skiing. Dinner was late as the training ended around 7.30pm.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Day 3 - Arafura Games

TS Lifesaving woke up to a R & R morning as it was a Sunday which allowed them an opportunity to look around Darwin. Training started at 3pm at Mindil Beach where everyone had a chance to practice the various ski, surfboard, beach flag and beach sprint events. Running on the beach was so much more comfortable as compared to Singapore Sentosa due to its shallow waters and soft sand. It was a beautiful location and we witnessed the sunset by the sea. The day ended with dinner at the Mindil night market.

Nick and Nicole practising surf board rescue

Hisham practicing Ski

Nicky after a swim

Jun Song, Allen, Huey Min and Enid practising beach flag

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Day 2 - Arafura Games

Day 2 began with a short 10 mins trip to Darwin Wave Lagoon to familarise ourselves with the area for both the mixed rescue tube rescue and surf swim events. It is a man-made wave lagoon that can create different types of waves. It was tiring as the athletes needed more energy to conquer the waves while swimming. We arrived back at the lodge at approximately 2pm and took a 2 hour rest before proceeding to the opening ceremony of Arafura games. We reached the stadium around 4.30pm and waited quite awhile before the commencement of the march past. There were a few performances which included the lighting the torch of the games. The opening ceremony ended with fireworks and our day was thus concluded.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Day 1 - Arafura Games

TS Lifesaving arrived at Darwin Airport at 5.25am (darwin time). We reach our accommodation at 7.30am but had to wait till 1pm for everyone to check-in. It was a day to visit COLES and WOOLWORTHS to stock up for food for the next few days. Everyone is fine and ready to go for tmrw. Below is a photo of where we are staying.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Day 0 - Arafura Games

TS Lifesaving arrived at Singapore Changi Airport at 8pm. Had a small hiccup at the air ticket counter due to visa problems, however, all went well in the end. Arrived at gate 17, but the flight was delayed. Below is a team photo taken as we waited for the airplane.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Arafura Games 09

Team Singapore Lifesaving will be participating Arafura Games from 7th - 19th May 2009. Do check in on the blog on updates during the games.